About Me

Bay Area, California, United States
I first became interested in working at home when I had to leave my full-time job to take care of my two year old child. The cost of daycare is equal to a month of rent- it was cheaper to stay at home! But as I explored the internet and came across many GPT sites, I realized something: Here was a way that I could care for my child AND earn income to help with household costs. So I researched. And I came up with what you see here. So take a look around- feel free to comment and criticize- all of your ideas are important for this new site's success!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Step Six

Set up a blog or website where you can display all of your referral links.This is important because referrals greatly boost your earning potential.

I suggest setting up a blog here at blogger or starting a website with Geocities if you already have an email account with Yahoo! this process is quick and easy.

Also, joining communities like groups in CafeMom will connect you with the people you need to get your referrals boosted.
Good Luck!

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