About Me

Bay Area, California, United States
I first became interested in working at home when I had to leave my full-time job to take care of my two year old child. The cost of daycare is equal to a month of rent- it was cheaper to stay at home! But as I explored the internet and came across many GPT sites, I realized something: Here was a way that I could care for my child AND earn income to help with household costs. So I researched. And I came up with what you see here. So take a look around- feel free to comment and criticize- all of your ideas are important for this new site's success!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Step Seven

Now that you've got a blog or site up displaying your links it's important to continue doing surveys while you're trying to advertise and make referrals.

The next step in the process after setting up the sites showcasing your referral id information is to advertise your sites and get referrals for your paid survey or gpt programs.

I suggest:

  1. Getref
  2. Clickvoyager
  3. Bidvertiser
  4. Simplerefs
  5. TrafficHoopla

Please feel free to look and join through the links! A stay at home mom with a baby needs your encouragement and good will lol!
good luck!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Step Six

Set up a blog or website where you can display all of your referral links.This is important because referrals greatly boost your earning potential.

I suggest setting up a blog here at blogger or starting a website with Geocities if you already have an email account with Yahoo! this process is quick and easy.

Also, joining communities like groups in CafeMom will connect you with the people you need to get your referrals boosted.
Good Luck!

Step Five

Create a secure payment transfer account. Some of the paid survey and gpt sites will require you to set one up since your payments can be automatically and securely deposited directly in your account. I suggest choosing one of the following:

Good Luck!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Step Four

You'll need a couple applications to make the survey process easier:

  1. A cookie clearer: Ccleaner
  2. A secure registration filler like Roboform

Ccleaner will clear your temp files from the nasty little files that slow down your comp and Roboform makes the process quick, easy, and secure by filling all the registration and check-in sites for you.

Good luck!

Step Two

The Second and very important step is that you must create email accounts that you wouldn't mind a ton of junk mail being sent two.

I recommend AT LEAST two or three (more is probably better.) Having multiple email accounts ups your chance of successful survey attempts.

The best providers to go to for email accounts would preferably also be able to host websites as well- more on this in the following steps. Geocities/Yahoo is a good place to start.

Good Luck!

Step Three (sorry it's out of order!)

The Third and most important step is to research legitimate sites. There is absolutely nothing worse than running into a scam and losing your hard earned cash and sometimes your identity.

The best way to do this is to determine one thing:
Does the site ask for any type of payment for their services?

If so, you have found a scam, my friend.

Legitimate sites will never ask you for money. Never.

Visit Information You Need to Work at Home To get a listing of trustworthy and completely free sites which pay YOU for your services. Read the FAQs of each company carefully and thoroughly and then feel free to visit their respective sites through the links offered.

Good luck!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Step One

Contrary to popular belief not all pay-per-survey sites are scams. The best way to determine whether or not something is a scam is one thing and one thing only: do they ask you for money?

If so, then YES they are a SCAM! No legitimate pay-per-survey site will request you to pay anything.

One important thing to remember before you start with legitimate sites is that it's very likely many companies will be calling you. And trust me, you won't want to talk to anyone for free. So here's your first step:

1. Find a company like Brring! who gives you a number that connects to your phone. You get paid every time your friends, and most importantly a company, calls.

The volume of calls made by the companies dying to call you will provide more than enough incentive for you to continue connecting through surveys on the net.

Start up for Your at Home Business

So, you've decided that the general workforce isn't for you- or maybe circumstances are such that you were unable to continue in the position you had. What do you do?

If you're like most people you immediately try and hop back on the rat-race bandwagon. If you're different you try something else: working from home.

So hold on to your hats and read the following posts for the instructions you need to start your own business cost free.